FloridaBlue Dental

FloridaBlue Dental Care.

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BlueDental- Most Frequently Used Forms

Send completed forms via interoffice mail, postal service, or in person, to the County’s benefits staff representative listed in the Contact information of this website.

BlueDental Chioce Plus

BlueDental Choice and Freedom

HIPAA Release Form and Definition

Dental Customer Service By Mail: Dental Claims:P.O. Box 1047, Elk Grove Village, IL 6009-1187 Call Us: BlueDental Choice Products:1-888-223-4892 or BlueDental Care Products:1-877-325-3979


Get in Touch with Us

Do not hesitate to call or email us with any issues.

Santa Rosa County has one of the best Benefit Packages in the Region. Take advantage of all that is offered. Please contact Nealon for any insurance related questions and issues you may have.

Nealon Starr
Nealon Starr

Princial Agent

850-266-7939 ext.2


As your HR Benefits Coordinator, I'm excited to help you navigate your employee benefits package with ease. From healthcare to retirement, we've got you covered. Let's make the most of your benefits together!.

Judi Bishop
Judi Bishop

SRC Benefits Coordinator



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